Find out how Evan Hôpital improves patients’ day-to-day experience!

"Many patients lack health knowledge, or don't really understand their health condition. They may feel overwhelmed or lack confidence in their choices..."

for the

Evan Hôpital offers patients easy access to educational resources, paving the way for better health management.

Whether it’s a question of choosing the right treatment, understanding side effects or medical follow-up, patients have all the information they need to navigate their care path in an informed and enlightened way.

Educational videos

Health data sheets

Useful links

Reduce stress
and anxiety

Evan Hospital offers patients a wide range of entertainment. This initiative aims to reduce dependency on stress medication and combat boredom among hospitalized patients.

TV channels and EPG (Electronic Program Guide)

30+ cognitive games

200+ audio books in French and English

Casting via Chromecast

Explore how Evan Hôpital is revolutionizing the patient experience by promoting well-being.

A platform for caregivers

The Evan Hospital platform plays an essential role for nursing staff by enabling them to :

Lighten the workload with fewer questions and fewer uncertainties for patients.

Facilitate treatment follow-up by optimizing communication between caregivers, patients and carers.

Reduce stress and anxiety related to managing patients' concerns and needs, thanks to their increased autonomy.

Evan Hôpital is also…

A Full access to the Family Portal

100% secure online shopping

A hub of information on your current services and offers

Find out how Evan Hôpital supports caregivers by improving their working conditions.